Services Available At NeighborCare Mobile

NeighborCare Mobile Mobile offers a comprehensive range of healthcare services, including preventative and primary care, as well as post-hospital care and management of complex medical conditions such as Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes Mellitus with complications, COPD exacerbation, Pneumonia, Acute renal failure, Post Heart Attack management (myocardial infarction), sickle cell, and many others. Our team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care plans that meet each patient's unique needs. Whether you or a loved one require check-ups, ongoing medical management, or post-hospital care, NeighborCare Mobile is here to help you manage your health and improve your quality of life.

Services we offer include:

Emergency Treatment

Call 911 or go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room if you have a life-threatening or severe injury.

Here are ten criteria that may warrant a visit to the emergency room:

  1. Chest pain or pressure
  2. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  3. Severe abdominal pain or cramping
  4. Head injury, loss of consciousness, or confusion
  5. Seizures or convulsions
  6. Persistent high fever or fever with a rash
  7. Severe or worsening allergic reaction
  8. Significant bleeding or blood loss
  9. Broken bones, dislocated joints, or severe sprains
  10. Suicidal thoughts or actions